Of course it would BE!!
Think about it, you walk into some place and buy a Powerball ticket for two bucks and you wake up the next day $20,000,000 or more richer minus taxes of course. It’t the ultimate dream and then all your problems are over with. You walk in and fire your boss that morning and go buy a house on the beach, a ridiculously expensive sports car and you go to the clubs to find a playboy bunny or whatever it is that you think you want to do.
But is there any challenges to this particular strategy for creating WEALTH?
Yes there actually is. You have to win it first and we are going to take a quick look at the reality of the odds at winning THE BIG ONE. Now I am only going to focus on winning the whole nine yards because if you’re in this, you’re in it to win it. And we are going to focus on Powerball because it’s in almost all of the 50 states so everyone is familiar with the BALL.
So What’s My Odds?
Well in order to be fair I went to the actual lottery promotional guide that I picked up at the gas station I work at. According to the pamphlet, your odds of winning THE BIG ONE are 1 in 175,223,510. Written out, you hear it like this: You have One chance out of One Hundred Seventy-Five Million, Two Hundred Twenty-Three Thousand, Five Hundred and Ten to become the Powerball win it all individual. These are not very good odds which is why I never play the Powerball or any lottery for that matter. But I can hear you now saying “but if you don’t play, you can’t win. And somebody’s got to win, why not me?” The reason I put that statement in here is because I have heard this from actual customers more times than I can count. If I had a dollar for every time ….. 🙂
1. You have better odds of Dying because you are left handed than winning Powerball. Odds are roughly: 4,400,000 to 1. I’ve never even heard of this. Why would you die from being a lefty?
2. You have better odds of going to a Casino, going to the Poker table, and on your very first hand, get a royal flush than winning Powerball. Odds are roughly 649,740 to 1. I’ve seen Casino Royale and they didn’t even write that in as a possibility for Bond.
3. You have better odds of Dying in a Wrath of God style Asteroid Apocalypse than winning Powerball. Odds are roughly 12,500 to 1. I’m talking movies such as Armageddon and Deep Impact kind of totally worldly destruction.
4. You have better odds of losing one of your appendages to a chainsaw than winning Powerball. Odds are roughly 4,464 to 1. I bet you might have said “not me, I don’t ever use a chainsaw.” To this I say “I never play Powerball so my odds are zero” so in this case if you use a chainsaw for anything.
5. You have better odds of become President of the United State of America than winning Powerball. Odds are roughly 10,000,000 to 1. That’s means that you can start right now towards the Presidency, get a major political party to back you, raise a sufficient amount of funds to campaign and debate and then win the electoral college in 2016 to become the next President of the United States. Better odds to accomplish this than win the Powerball. Are you kidding me!
So do you still think this is the way out of your job.. The Powerball?
I am just going to get real with you here and tell you that if you still think this is a good path to quitting your job and financial freedom, then you should just stop reading now and continue to chase Fantasy land but if you’re truly serious about taking charge of you life and your financial future and actually firing your boss then please read on….
So the first thing you’re going to have to do is make a choice. Choose your future and you shall set yourself free.
I have told you that I know people that can help you and you have to be willing to take action and let these people, including myself, help. You also must choose to help yourself by taking the actions necessary… I can only lead you to the water, I can’t make you drink. That is up to you. So if you’re ready then…
STEP 1: Sign-Up HERE for your $0 Wealthy Affiliate Account
STEP 2: Watch this Video Wealthy Affiliate Walkthrough – How YOU can benefit from WA
STEP 3: This is important: Take a deep breath, sit back relax and see, hear and feel yourself firing your boss now because you’ve doubled your income.
And POW your on your way to quitting your job and I love it.
Have any thoughts or stories on the Lottery?
Love to hear them, I’ve got so many that it’s ridiculous. The only story I don’t have is the person walking in giving me the winning ticket and saying “I’m rich!!!” So please feel free to share with me by leaving a comment below or you can reach me at my Wealthy Affiliate Profile. Let’s keep this crowd moving. 🙂
2 Responses to Winning the Lottery
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That’s funny. I used to dream about winning the lottery, buying the company I worked for and taking away all the bosses chairs. Let them see what it’s like to made to stand all day when you could just as easily get the same amount of work done in a chair.
Sorry it took so long for me to reply and I would love to see the bloated bosses at mine and other companies faces after they stood for, oh lets say 2 to 4 hours. It would be similar to watching a bunch of screaming kids that just ran 2 blocks to the ice cream truck only to miss it by about 4 seconds. let the chaos begin!